Heart Of an Entrepreneur

Heart Of an Entrepreneur

By Brittany 🙂

(My college entrance essay, wrote in 2012)

I believe a heart of an entrepreneur is something you are born with. It just blossoms over experiences and realizations of who you are and what you want to be over the years. It intertwines with these and the talents you have also. Then, it just takes the strength of your heart to just head straight towards this goal with no fear in your mind. Some may be born with a heart of an entrepreneur, but they let fear set it. Thus, they let the entrepreneur in their heart fizzle and the wonderful possibilities are just dreams that haunt their heart. This is why I am striving to go straight ahead at my goal, for I don’t want to have to ask “what if?” in the future that let fear get in the way.

Ever since I was young, art and fashion has been what I love. This, I would consider, is one my greatest talents that I have. Almost everywhere I went, I had to do some sort of art. If I would go to my grandparent’s house, I would be making something either in my grandpa’s workshop or at their kitchen table. At my aunt’s house, I would always be sewing something for my latest doll. It has just been something I was always seen doing; creating art. I knew from an early age that I indeed wanted, and had to, go into the field of fashion and art. This then is when I knew I for sure had a heart of an entrepreneur. I would go into business doing what I love and know how to do it.

While doing all my art, I have, and still am quite involved with volunteering. Volunteering has been something I love to do also. Even with my peers in my 4 year old class at church, I would be helping the kids. I would pat them on the back and say, “You okay? Yeah?” while nodding. The teachers of the class would always tell my mom that I was a helper. Moreover, this has not changed to this day. I am always trying to help others who need advice, help, or just someone to talk to. Additionally, I will do fundraisers in the community or help out at City on the Hill. This has helped me open up and talk to people all around the communities. I learned how to communicate with people whom I don’t know, help them, and answer their questions. Therefore, this has benefited me for my road towards my goal.

Aside from my passion for art, fashion, and volunteering, I am known for other things too. I am known for having a smile that can lighten up anyone’s sour day. I just love to be cheerful and friendly, and always think on the positive side. I am also known as being very energetic. Not in an obnoxious way, but rather in a very energizing way. Also, I try to be the best that I can be, be true to my word, determined, thinking of the details, and encouraging others. These help me succeed in a lot that I do, and they will only benefit my dream that I want to achieve.

Anywhere I go, I try to let my heart show. I am going straight towards my goal, but I still want to influence others while I am doing it. I strive to help others, whether it be encouraging them to pursue their dreams or helping them with something they need. I can help them to think positive and help put a smile on their face. I was born with a heart of an entrepreneur and had experiences that has helped it blossom, and I am not going to stop it. I am not going to let fear get in my way.

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